# Creator Economics

Platform Total Number of Creators Total Number of Subscribers Average Monthy Income
Patreon 193,026 6,000,000¹ $690³
OnlyFans 450,000 30,000,000² $180⁴
Substack Thousands (?) 500,000 Unknown

¹ Total number calculated from the dataset was 11 Million. Patreon stated on average users subscribe to two creators.

² OnlyFans creators host free pages they use for cross promotions / marketing. OF recently changed some mechanics to discourage this. Consequently, this number is still very inflated.

³ The “Middle Class” of creators (10-100 subscribers) have an average income of $396

⁴ OnlyFans creators have two pages on average, one premium, one free. $360 a month is a more accurate average month income.

# Patreon Drilldown

For the following drilldown we’re going to look at statistics for creators who have between 10 to 100 subscribers.

Out of the 193,026 creators in our dataset, 58,409 creators fall within the 10-100 subscriber range. This group collectively has 1,935,670 subscribers. Collectively, this group generates between $1,935,670 to $23,228,040 creator revenue per month.

We calculated these numbers using the following pair of equations

MIN = Σ ( some_creators_subscriber_count * $1 )

MAX = Σ ( some_creators_subscriber_count * $12 )

Overwhelmingly, the most common number of subscribers for creators is 10.

However, a cumulative view paints a much different picture. 2/3rds of our sample have more than 10 subscribers. The horizontal bars are drawn at 20K, 30K, 60K Creators.

These creator categories aren’t very representative. Postcasts, Games, Writing should be accurate. Video is very overinflated.

# Bunchd User Targets

The following table estimates the amount of creator MRR Bunchd could facilitate given a % market capture from Patreon. Take note of the following assumptions:

  1. The following numbers are generated based of the "middle class" creator sample of 58,409 who have collectively have 1,935,670 subscribers.
  2. The Low Column assumes all subscribers are paying $1 a month.
  3. The High Column assumes all subscribers are paying $12 a month.
  4. Platform ARR assumes the DAO is levying a 8% fee on creators which is comparable to the "Recommended Pro Patreon plan".
Capture % Number of Creators Creator MRR Low Creator MRR High Number of Subs Platform ARR Low @ 8% Platform ARR High @ 8%
0.1% 58 $1,935.0 $23,228.0 1,935 $1,857.0 $22,298.0
1% 584 $19,356.7 $232,280.4 19,356 $18,582.0 $222,989.0
2% 1,168 $38,713.4 $464,560.8 38,713 $37,164.0 $445,977.0
5% 2,920 $96,783.5 $1,161,402.0 96,783 $92,912.0 $1,114,945.0
10% 5,840 $193,567.0 $2,322,804.0 193,567 $185,824.0 $2,229,891.0
20% 11,681 $387,134.0 $4,645,608.0 387,134 $371,648.0 $4,459,783.0
50% 29,204 $1,935,670.0 $11,614,020.0 967,835 $1,858,243.0 $11,149,459.0


  • At around 5% creator capture the MLP (Minimum Lovable Bunchd) will be able to fund basic development without the additional sale of tokens.