# Minimum Lovable Bunchd

# Hypothesis

  1. Creator Content has value.
  2. It is possible to put shape to a creator's value by getting creator content and activity on-chain.
  3. Aggregating creator content and its activities brings value to an underlaying protocol.

# Minimum Lovable Bunchd

Our first iteration should be focused on bringing a familiar feeling platform onto Dfinity which is capable of capturing creator content and subscriber interactions. We need to provide a tool that creators and users can clearly understand the intent of and start using immediately. With these considerations, I propose the first iteration of Bunchd should be a subscription membership site that provides a Patreon like experience.


  1. Existing platforms have demonstrated the content subscription model is well understood by creators and users - and is very likable when applied correctly!
  2. A paid content subscription is a good first attempt at putting a shape to the ideas of “Creator Value” → think “Proof of Patronage” & “Proof of Valued Content”.
  3. Building on the above - getting users interactions on-chain can be used to bolster the strength of our mechanism attempting to shape creator value.
  4. Avoids “Chicken or the Egg” problem. Current platforms appeal to the superfan model - if a creator shifts platforms its very probable their fans would follow.
    1. Moreover, we can inventive users to switch to Bunchd by offering governance tokens, and providing bonuses based on subscribers.


A Patreon like subscription application offers a familiar experience, is well defined, understood, and has immediate opportunities for iteration and experimentation.


A Patreon like subscription application immediately gets content on-chain which can then be experimented with.


A Patreon like subscription application immediately gets creators earning on-chain.

The Minimum Lovable Bunchd should:

  1. Get Creator content on-chain.
  2. Get User subscriptions on-chain.
  3. Get User and Creator interactions on-chain.
  4. Give Creators their first growth-engine - Bundling.
  5. Offer a Transparent Crypto Experience.

Opportunities for Immediate Iteration:

  1. Social-Token only content.
    1. Subscribers earn tokens for remaining subscribed to a creator. We enable creators to create content that can only be unlocked by users spending these special tokens.
  2. NFT Badges for support on projects, continued membership.
  3. Incentivized Curation.
  4. Bundling, growth engine for creators, safety in numbers! (This is our first planned iteration).
  5. Content Fundraising in-app, maybe with interest?
  6. Subscriber Referral Rewards.
  7. Creator verifiable - “Social Identity”.
  8. Publish NFTs from Media Library.
    1. Maybe allow Creators to make all their Content NFTs